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Deixar crescer a felicidade.

You can’t just “be” happy. Happiness is something you cultivate, which means that it’s not a passive state and instead of waiting for happiness to just happen, you can take action to change the way you think and feel so that your life becomes more joyful.

If you’re feeling down or stressed out, read something uplifting—a book or blog post about how to be happier might work best. If keeping up with friends seems like too much work right now, find some good videos on YouTube and binge-watch them for an hour or two (or three).

And if nothing else helps to lift your spirits at first glance…it’s OK! I encourage everyone who reads this article not only to understand what makes them happy but also why they aren’t feeling that way in the moment—and most importantly: always look forward rather than back in order keep moving forward toward what matters most–to us all.”

Não haverá mais problemas, mas apenas desafios.

In this world, there are no problems. Only challenges.

Problems are simply the challenges that you have to overcome and solve in order to get what you want out of life. They’re not bad or evil; they just make things more interesting.

For example, if your car runs out of gas on the highway and you don’t have enough money for gas until payday, then suddenly getting your car to work again becomes a problem that needs solving! You can either walk all the way home or try calling someone for help with their car so that they can give you a ride home instead—so many options! Or maybe there’s a gas station nearby where it won’t cost much money at all? Either way: problem solved!

A felicidade é um sentimento que se manifesta na atitude de quem está feliz.

  • The meaning of the word felicidade is “happiness”.
  • Happiness is a state of mind, not an emotion.
  • Happiness is something that we choose to feel when we decide to be happy.
  • Happiness comes from within yourself, not from external sources or circumstances in your life.

O sentimento de felicidade tem uma condição importante: o tempo.

It’s important to understand that happiness is a feeling that manifests itself in the attitude of a person who is happy.

I remember when I was young, I went to school with other kids who had good grades and were doing well at sports. I felt bad about myself because I did not have such good grades or athletic ability as they did.

Since then, many years have passed and now we are all grown up. One day an old friend of mine called me on the phone and said “I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately.” Then he said: “Do you remember how we used to compare ourselves with each other when we were kids?”

“Yes,” I answered him.”And what do you think?” he asked me again.”Well,” replied my friend without hesitation,”we came out pretty well after all!”

A felicidade é o bem-estar espiritual e material dos povos, a compreensão da vida, a auto aceitação, a plenitude do ser.

You can be happy when you’re in a good mood or feeling positive. You can also feel happy because of an event or outcome.

For example, when you graduate from university, you may be very happy because it means that your hard work has paid off and now you can start your career.

Happiness often comes from doing something we enjoy, such as playing sports or spending time with friends. Some people believe that happiness is the pursuit of pleasure – trying to make ourselves feel good all the time by buying new things like cars and clothes! That’s not what being happy is about though! Happiness comes from within us; it doesn’t come out of material possessions such as these things mentioned above which might make us happier temporarily but won’t last forever either!

Felicidade é quem você é e a forma como você vive.

  • Felicidade é quem você é e a forma como você vive.
  • Felicidade é ter paz no coração.
  • Felicidade é ter uma visão positiva da vida.
  • Felicidade é ser feliz hoje, sem esperar que tudo mude para amanhã.*

A felicidade acontece num exato momento em que você descobre que ama e é amado por alguém.

“A felicidade acontece num exato momento em que você descobre que ama e é amado por alguém.”

Fiel a esta máxima, o cantor Nando Reis compôs uma canção inesquecível sobre o tema: “Felicidade”. Nele, o compositor revela que não é a riqueza material nem um status social que fazem com que seja possível sentir-se realizado e satisfeito. O caminho para a felicidade passa por outros valores humanos como amar, ser amado e aprender a viver com as pessoas de forma honesta.

Sorria mais, ria mais, chore mais… viva sempre mais! Felicidades!

:smile:, :laugh: and 😥 as much as you want.

Have a happy day! Have a great day! Have a wonderful day! Have a great week! Have a wonderful week! Have an amazing year!

Olhe para si mesmo no espelho com ternura e compaixão, e aprenda a valorizar suas virtudes. Isso fará você crescer e florescer todos os dias!

> Olhe para si mesmo no espelho com ternura e compaixão, e aprenda a valorizar suas virtudes. Isso fará você crescer e florescer todos os dias!

How did I get better at being happy? I started looking at myself in the mirror with compassion and love, so I could learn to value my strengths. It made me grow like crazy every day!

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